Alrighty, so I know I wrote this blog about Blythe dolls quite some time ago and said I'd talk about all these really neato stuff about the underground cult they've got going on. So here it is! Part II . . .
Sometimes people who have Blythe dolls gather in various places and have these things called Blythe Meets. What do people do there exactly? I don't know! What I do know is that some involve contests where you can win prizes, and of course theres the photo-ops, but I think their main purpose is to unite Blythe fans of all ages to sit down and talk about their hobby (collecting Blythes, etc.) without someone rolling their eyes at you . . .
The one my friends and I had was quite informal -- we all went to the Dell'Osso Farms Pumpkin Patch in Lathrop, Ca and galavanted around taking pictures. Ashley and I only have one doll each (and I brought my two mini Uglydolls too) so we didn't have much on our hands, but my friend Jean has four dolls and she brought ALL OF THEM with her!
Ashley and I got many funny stares from people, so you can only imagine the looks we got once Jean took all of hers out! Oh well, we had fun and got some good shots -- despite the sunlight being a big challenge for us. Some curious onlookers asked us what we were taking pictures of and we heard one say, "Oh, its just Barbies." HaHaHa . . .
Here's some photos of the girls:

Tigerlily chillin' on a pumpkin.

Ice Bat, Tigerlily, Abigail (Ashley's doll), and Babo.

L-R: Abigail, Tigerlily, Sylvie, Rhiannon, Nixie, and Moxie.

The three BFFs . . . hehehe.

This was a difficult place to take pictures!
The rest of my pictures can be seen on my Flickr page.
Do you like Blythe? Have a Blythe(s) or know of a Blythe meet going on soon? Drop us a line and let us know!