We're Bummed. (ehhh...kinda. sorta.)
[comic con goers -- one word: deodorant. photo courtesy of subtext.]
The Comic Con is a maybe for us this year. Darn, gonna miss the long lines and smell of...well, comic con. ;) But there IS a great alternative for us and a way to break up your day if you're one of the lucky ones attending this year!
Our friends at Subtext will be having a gallery filled with your favorite superheroes. Life throws us all curve balls, and even superheroes are affected and may not be as perfect as we think. The gallery will be showcasing art by fifty artists depicting several superhero mishaps.
Umm...Wonder Woman made a stinky?!?! Weird, us human girls don't. Ever. ;)
[artwork above by Patrick Ballesteros. Photo courtesy of subtext.]