Comic Con Gets Ugly, Bossy, and Bony!
David Horvath, co-creator of the infamous Uglydolls, has posted his Comic Con signing schedule on his own blog. So if you're interested in seeing him, grab a pen -- or go high tech and print this out and plan out your itinerary.
Saturday 12:30 - 2:00
* Giant Robot Booth: Signing Bossy Bear, Uma, Glow Flatwoods, Uglydolls, Littlebony, and whatever else you may want signed!
Saturday 3:00 - 5:00
* Uglydolls Booth: Uglydoll items only. Please note, David said he will only be signing Uglydoll items at the Uglydolls booth signing due to the massive crowds they had last year (believe me, it was huge! I actually left . . . haha.) He didn't say anything about Sun Min not signing Spider Boom items though.

Sunday 11:00 - 12:00
* Disney Booth: Bossy Bear signing. Disney will be giving away 200 Bossy Bear books to 200 people during the signing!

Sunday 12:30 - 2:00
* Giant Robot Booth: Same stuff he said he'd be signing at Saturday's GR session.

Please note, Littlebony is kind of a special dude. He's only sold in Japan where he's got his own little show and Giant Robot is the only place in the US that sells his swag. Therefore, the GR booth will be the only booth to have Littlebony! Woo-hoo!
Also, making an early debut is the newest addition to the Ugly family: Abima! He won't be available (to the public) until August/September, but he will be for sale at Con.

For the latest on all things Horvath and Uglydolls, be sure to check out his blog.
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